About Us

Hi from Caatherine

The Real Healthy HQ journey started when I was 52 years old, around the time I realised I was killing myself with food.

After years of battling depression and using food as an emotional crutch, I had reached more than 170 kilos and my body was suffering. Never in my entire life had I ever been that big. It scared the hell out of me.

I knew that if I didn’t make significant and sustainable changes, I wasn’t going to make it to my 60th birthday. Making the decision to study Fitness, become a Life Coach, and then specialise as a Chair Yoga teacher has been life changing.

At the Real Healthy HQ we offer you the opportunity to see you don’t need to get on the floor to move, stretch, and strengthen your body.

 Hear what one of our students had to say:

“CaAtherine is an excellent chair yoga instructor who has an uncanny way of knowing where your healing is needed most of all.  She is fun, quirky, and caring and looks after each person individually.

I love how easy it is, and the benefits are both physically and mentally rewarding.   The small intimate classes make it so much easier to focus.”

Helen 60+

Helen Chair Yoga

If you are looking for someone who has been through it and can support your journey then click below.

Wendy Chair Yoga

Hi from Wendy

“For the last 20-odd years, I was focusing on my family, nurturing my husband and three teenage sons.  Organizing kids with special needs and lots of sports and recreation activities seemed to consume most of my time.   Living a busy life saw me putting my health and well-being on the back burner.

Around five years ago my stressed-out body gave me signs that I needed to make some healthy changes. I was hit with migraines, spinal issues, the onset of type 2 diabetes, gallstones, bursitis of the shoulder, and frozen shoulder just to name a few. When you struggle to get out of bed every day, then feel like curling up in bed by lunchtime, it’s time to do something different to help yourself.

Three years ago I began Chair Yoga. Initially, it was more out of curiosity to see if my body could cope with some gentle physical exercise.

Within the first six months of two sessions a week I could see some major changes happening and my health was improving. The biggest change has been the way I am now able to mentally cope with stress and life challenges.

 With such a positive outcome from the continued practice, I decided to train as a Chair Yoga teacher to help others maintain their health and wellbeing.

It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made.”